Are you 100% safe right now

Ask yourself this as you’re watching the news and listening about deadly crimes and acts of violence. Ask yourself this as you consider the deaths in the world in general and the health issues related to COVID-19. Ask yourself this as you see pictures of dictators and government officials doing harm.

So, are you 100% safe right now?

Did you say NO?

If you said NO, name one thing in the room where you are that is not safe right now. (You might be listing things at this moment). NAME A THING THAT IS CAUSING YOU HARM AND MAKING YOU NOT SAFE. Where on your body does that hurt? If you cannot identify that then YOU ARE SAFE. There is no REAL THREAT, only PERCEIVED THREAT.

The truth is that YOU ARE SAFE. There’s no immediate danger to you at this very moment that you should feel unsafe. Sure, you can list hypothetical things that could go wrong and say Hey, I’m NOT SAFE! But in reality you are safe! Here and Now and IN THIS MOMENT. YOU ARE SAFE.

Real Danger?

Of course, if YOU find yourself in real danger then seek HELP from 911.

This is the first step in rewiring your brain in the even that you are experiencing PTSD symptoms. (Recognize symptoms and begin to work on the telling YOUR story). Being able to state and know that you are safe and that you are not in danger at this moment begins to start a shift in the experiences you are having, and in the way your brain processes things.This is a small step to initiate the journey towards positive well-being.

Trauma Statistics: [By NAMI]

People who have experienced trauma are 3X More Likely to Experience Depression

15X More Likely to Commit Suicide

4X More Likely to Become An Alcoholic

brain challenges counseling courageous covid19 DEPRESSION grief griefandloss growth health Help irrationalbeliefs irrationalthoughts loss mentalhealth mindset overcome pain positive positivemindset positivity ptsd Reachout selfcare skills SUICIDE tiger tools TRAUMA wellbeing wellness

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